Lets read the Bible & Strong definitions instantly - free no adsRead the bible in French (Version Louis Segond 1910) and access with a single click th
Lets read the Bible & Strong definitions instantly - free no ads
Read the bible in French (Version Louis Segond 1910) and access with a single click the Strong Greek or Hebrew definition of each word.
This app is 100% free and does not contain any advertising. Enjoy using it and send us feedback if you have any problems, or even ideas for improvement.
The main functions of this application are as follows:
- Access to the Greek or Hebrew word as well as its definition
- Search for a word in the bible
- Search for a Greek or Hebrew reference to see its definition and find where it is used
- Changing the size of the bible text
- Select one of the three available themes
- Display of biblical text by verse or by paragraph
Q: Will this app always be free?
Yes indeed !
Q: Is it possible to have this app in another language?
A: This application also exists in:
- English (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.doromic.BibleAppPlus)
- Spanish (RV60 Biblia: in Strong text: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.doromic.BibleAppPlus.es)
We want to make it available in other languages but do not yet have the necessary texts and lexicons for this. If you have the possibility to help us find them, contact us!